Saturday, December 31, 2005

Orb Networks

Orb is a highly recomended media service that allows you to stream media from basicaly any computer to a wide veriety of media devices. The the new issue of Wired Test it was highly rated as well as getting some nice mentions from a wide veriety of sources around the net.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

test using pocket blogger

this is just a test using pocket blogger

I have found this to be one of the better resources for free Pocket PC Sorftware.

All in all some good finds like these

This I have been using to do a number of postst to this blogg an a few others that I am runing as well.

This Vietnamese card cames is a lot like the American drinking card game Asshole. The object is to get rid of your cards first by playing higher set (similar to poker hands) in rounds. Scoring is base on the number of cards you may have left at the end. This is apparently a huge Asian gamling game and was interduced to my girl friend and I while on vacation in Viena. I was phsyched to find a PPC version for free.

Every one is playing it why not you.

A fairly reasonable chess engine.

A nifty little PPC astronamy program giving most of the major stars and all constilations. It is adjustable for Lat Lon and souldn't be too harsh on the eyes at night.

Need I say more. Who dosn't love this gave.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My goal her is to provide some help and demistification of the agony of buying a new SmartPhone. Recently I switched servees to Verizon from Cingular and found the minefield of chosing a new phone very dificult to navigate. Most Verizon sales reps are young kids who realy don't know that much about thier product. So I found out most of what I was looking for thorough trial and error.

The phone that I did end up settling on was the Samsung SCH-i730 running Windows Pocket PC OS.